Leaves are Fallin' All Around


During this time of year let’s take a hint from the trees around us and let go of the parts of our lives that are dead and decaying.  These can be things like negative thought patterns, hurtful emotions, and regret.  Just like the dead leaves on a tree… we don’t need them anymore.

This month, every time we see a leaf fall from a tree, let’s imagine that the leaf is a negative habit, thought or regret, spiraling away from ourselves.  We can let go of the hurtful feelings and regrets we’ve been clinging to.  They may have been useful once (just like the leaves of a tree in summer) but now is a good time to be easy with ourselves and let them go.

A tree doesn’t struggle to hang on to a bunch of dead leaves and we shouldn’t struggle to hang on to a bunch of negative thought patterns, emotions and regrets.

Let them go.  Watch them fall away.  Know that they will become mulch and compost ­– ultimately giving nourishment to our roots.  But only if we’ve let them fall and decompose – providing fuel for new thoughts, bountiful creativity, and hope in the future.

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